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Cemetery Volunteer tracker
cemetery map in bright pastel authored by _Spatial Agency_.jpg

SAPIC Volunteers and Projects Tracker

Working with the State Association for the Preservation of Iowa Cemeteries is a rewarding experience. I get to learn from people who have done work in cemetery preservation for a long time, and I get to make contributions to our organization with my own skills. As the media chairperson for this agency, my job is to promote our cause, share our mission, and find ways to support our efforts. In this regard, I've built a mapping application that enables volunteers and cemetery conservationists to share the work they've done, creating interest and appreciation in local communities for the stewards of these public spaces. The project doubles as a method we use to capture data about the projects we help finance. 

 Have you done any work in a cemetery? Please consider making a contribution to our application by telling your story!


Robstown Cemetery
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Robstown Cemetery

Having lost the only computer that had their burial records, Robstown Cemetery knew they needed a permanent solution. Building a digital cemetery map complete with a records management system for both internal and public use was the answer. 

Sims Cemetery

Sims Cemetery

Sims Cemetery is the resting place of pioneers and early settlers of Des Moines. Several headstones are toppled, broken, and in disrepair.  Spatial Agency and Wade Fowler, of Millennial Stone Cleaner have teamed up to tell the story. Check out this mapping application that documents the conservation project and allows the public to make a contribution to the legacy of those at rest here.


Good Shepherd
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Good Shepherd Catholic Cluster 

Deteriorating historical maps was the catalyst for bringing the Good Shepherd Catholic Church's cemetery records into a modern, streamlined mapping system.

Iowa Township Cemeteres

Our township cemeteries are just brimming with local history and culture. It's my privilege to go into these cemeteries, wandering around capturing the legacies of those at rest. Some of them are so interesting. This project is really just getting started, so stay tuned as things progress! 

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